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ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Sophia Hotung is a Eurasian writer and illustrator, best known for creating The Hong Konger collection. Her first book, The Hong Konger Anthology sold out its first print run in three weeks and was named Bookazine's Book of the Week during Christmas 2021. Her second book, The Heist of Hooded Light, is an illustrated children's crime novel set at K11 ARTUS, where she completed an Artist Residency. Her most recent book, The Stowaways Symphony, a bilingual Chinese and English illustrated children's storybook about the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra was released at The HK Phil's Symphony under the Stars in November 2024. Sophia lives in San Francisco and is seeking literary representation for general and literary fiction that explores third culture identities.

The Stowaways Symphony

Published November 2023, Humming Publishing

The Stowaways Symphony is the HK Phil’s first children’s picture book and a 50th Anniversary initiative!


The zoo orchestra needs inspiration! Disguised to avoid suspicion, six zoo animals escape their enclosures to watch the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. However, during the performance, an usher spots and removes them one by one.


With only Flamingo left by the end, she wonders if she will ever get a magical concertgoing experience, or if she’ll also be found out and kicked out for good…


This interactive, fun-filled children’s storybook guides concertgoers of all ages through the etiquette and experience of watching an orchestra.


Bilingual in Cantonese and English

Includes 30+ stickers and a fundamental of music fact sheet

HK $198. Available across Chinese and English language Hong Kong bookstores, including Eslite, Bookazine, Rebooked, and the Lion Rock Press

The Heist of Hooded Light

Published October 2022, K11 ARTUS

Marvin and Marigold Ma have no time for art. It’s boring, it’s pointless, and it’s confusing. But when the Ma family stay at K11 ARTUS, the twins realise that maybe art isn’t as boring, pointless, and confusing as it seems.


The twins' world turns upside-down when a supernatural sculpture goes missing without a trace. With no one to trust, a very tall man in a very bright coat skulking around, and the heart of ARTUS at stake, Marvin and Marigold are thrown into a conspiracy, a crime, and a heist that only they can thwart.


Written and illustrated by the creator of The Hong Konger art collection, Sophia Hotung during her artist residency at K11 ARTUS, The Heist of Hooded Light is a celebration of art, Hong Kong, and curiosity.


Available in paperback, hardback, and Kindle formats on Amazon, and as a free PDF.

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Free to download as a PDF. Also available as a hard and soft cover bound book from Amazon.

The Hong Konger Anthology

Published December 2021, The Kylin Archive

Find yourself within the pages of The Hong Konger Anthology, a satirical and subverted delve into Hong Kong culture.


Whether you’re a wild boar spotter, dragon boat drummer, Chinese medicine vendor, Kowloon-wary expat, over-scheduled student, lascivious tai tai, or Hong Kong Mom™, you only need to crack open this book to find your likeness.


he Hong Konger Anthology features 70 prints inspired by New Yorker magazine covers and a compendium of zany, thoughtful, and satirical poems inspired by western and Chinese poetry.


It’s a celebration and critique of Hong Kong’s unique characters and a great addition to the stack of books collecting dust on your coffee table.


Available at English language bookstores across Hong Kong, including Bookazine, Kelly & Walsh, the Lion Rock Press, Asia Society, and in the US and abroad at Bleak House Books and Amazon


HK $198. Available across most English language Hong Kong bookstores, including Kelly & Walsh, Bookazine, and the Lion Rock Press

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